Monday, May 24, 2010

Chundum Koonum Thoran / Button Mushroom and Banana Blossom Stirfry

The flavor experienced from eating mushrooms, or any other food for that matter , comes from a combination of taste, texture, temperature, spiciness, and aromatic qualities.Taste is one component of flavor and is thought to be limited to the perception of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory.

The Button mushroom has a spongy texture and is a bit rubbery and the flavor is bland/mild when compared to other types of mushroom.Due to this quality it is very absorbent and accommodates seasonings well. The white button also has a high water content which works perfectly in this recipe.

Banana blossom has a high fiber content and might not appeal to everyone- Combining it with mushroom really transformed both the taste and texture of the mushroom as well as the banana blossom.It is a very good combination.

  1. Banana blosson/Vazha chundu - 1 medium sized (remove the dark purple petals and use only the light creamish colored part)
  2. Button mushroom - 1 pack (1/2 lb) chopped fine
  3. grated coconut - 1/2 cup
  4. Green chillies - 3 chopped
  5. shallots - 5 chopped
  6. curry leaves - 2 springs
  7. mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  8. Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
  9. salt - to taste
  10. Garlic - 2 cloves chopped fine
  11. Oil - 1 tbsp

Heat oil in a pan and add in the chopped shallots, chillies,curry leaves and garlic and saute for a minute.
Add in the mushroom and stirfry for a minute.
Add in the turmeric powder and chopped banana blossom and salt to taste.
Stir well , cover and cook until the banana blossom cooks, about 10 minutes.
The mushroom gives out enough water for the banana blossom to cook.
Open the pan and add in the grated coconut and stirfry for 2 minutes and let the mixture dry if there is any moisture content left.
Serve with rice.


  1. This is really very healthy dish. Wonder clicks too. Which photo editing software do u use? Hope u dont mind sharing it.

  2. WOW nice presentation,very tempting pic...

  3. I use (google) Picasa to edit the photos - It has some pretty decent options.

  4. nice presentation and healthy toooooo

  5. I love mushrooms and vazha chundu,.. but never tried out a combination.. looks yummy :)
