Monday, May 24, 2010

Chakka Puttu

For best results the flour for puttu should not be too fine. Midhila brand of puttu podi is the best I have used so far.It is locally prepared and packed in Kannur - maybe that is the reason why it tastes so good :) .


  1. Jack-fruit flesh - 10 pieces (if you dont have fresh jackfruit you can substitute with canned variety, even though fresh is best)
  2. Rice flour/Puttu podi - 1 cup
  3. salt - to taste
  4. Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
  5. sugar - 1tsp
  6. water - as needed

Cut the jack fruit into small pieces and mix it with the sugar and grated coconut and keep aside.
Mix the rice flour with salt to taste.
Sprinkle water into the rice flour and mix well without forming lumps (Start with 1/4'th cup water) Add more water as required.
If you grab a handful of flour and squeeze with your hand it should hold shape and if you press it again it should crumble - that is the consistency you want the flour to be in once you have added water. There is no exact measurement for rice flour to water ratio since each brand of flour would need a different amount of water depending on how it has been fried etc.
Proceed to make puttu - fill the puttu pot half the way with water and set to heat.
Add a layer of puttu powder followed by the jack fruit mix into the puttu maker, alternate the layers until it is filled.
Steam this for 10 minutes.Serve hot.


  1. wow colorful and delicious .....thanks for sharing..

  2. nice priya today m gng to try this and inform the result

  3. priya i tried and it came out well. i used wheat flour instead of rice flour

  4. Nice to learn that finally new generation malayalies too have began accepting jackfruit which was poor mens fruits in olden days. In the endavour to bringing jackfruit on the top of all fruits we the CARD-KVK , Pathanamthitta too joins HAND IN HAND with all those in the effort .
