Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kerala Plantain Halwa

  1. Over ripe Plantains - 6 (1.5 kg)
  2. Sugar - 1 cup 
  3. Ghee - 1/2 cup
  4. Cashews - few
  5. Cardamom - 3 powdered

Steam the plantains until soft .
remove the skin and slit it in two, you can remove the strand of seeds easily once it is steamed.
Add the steamed plantains to a blender jar and blend until a paste is formed.
Add 2 tbsp ghee to a nonstick frying pan and  fry until golden.
Remove from pan and reserve.
Add the plantain paste to the same pan and saute for few minutes.
Add sugar and mix well.
Keep stirring and sauteing on a medium low flame adding table spoon of ghee as the plantains start sticking to the pan.
after about 45 minutes it will start forming a ball and leave the sides of the pan .
At this stage add the cashews and powdered cardamom and fry for few more minutes.
transfer to a greased dish and cut into pieces when cool.
Can be stored in the fridge for 2 months.

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