Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cornflakes Nanachathu

Imprinting is a term used to describe bonds that form biologically. An example would be young ducks following the mother hen: whatever the duckling sees moving within a few hours after they hatch, they follow, they will not imprint and follow anything they see before the critical period window or after the critical period.

As human beings we follow a somewhat similar behavior.That explains why there is  always a special place in our hearts for our childhood friends,food that we ate as kids, memories of the first movie we went to...All our first's always have a special place in our heart's. Now moving on to more important topics. Kellogg's Cornflakes holds that special place in my heart when it comes to breakfast cereals.There have been countless others through the years..but none could take the place of plain old Cornflakes.

You can use cornflakes in many ways, here is a quick and easy evening snack which is one of my favorites. You only need 3 ingredients and if you have grated fresh coconut on hand, then it takes less than a minute to put it together.

  1. Cornflakes - 2 cups
  2. Grated fresh coconut - 1 cup
  3. Sugar - 4 tbsp ( add more or less to taste)
Add all ingredients to a bowl, crush gently with your hands. Enjoy!


  1. This is new to me ..will definitely try it out.Sounds like a breeze to put together.This is the kind of recipe I am looking for .

    Thanks for sharing

  2. Usually i'll make with rice flakes, cornflakes nanachathu looks fabulous..

  3. my mom makes this....its yummy but she wets it with bit of milk....

  4. Great space you got there, had to tell you .I do enjoy reading your recipes and the clicks are simply amazing , best of all its very interesting to read the short notes you have before the recipes.You write well .

    Ashish Menon
