Monday, April 19, 2010

Making Yogurt at Home

Yogurt or curd is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.The Lactose in milk is fermented by a culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus to produce Lactic acid, the lactic acid acts on milk protein to give Yogurt.

An active (living) yogurt culture is needed as a "starter" .Commercial, unflavored cultured yogurt, from the supermarket is usually used as a starter.Once you start making yogurt at home, save some of your homemade yogurt to "start" your next batch.

Before proceeding to make yogurt at home the milk needs to be boiled to kill any undesirable bacteria , it should then be cooled to about 110 degrees F (not be hot or cold but comfortably warm).

Yogurt is nutritionally rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. It has nutritional benefits beyond those of milk.Yogurt also has medical uses, in particular for a variety of gastrointestinal conditions and in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea.It is also believed to promote good gum health, possibly because of the pro-biotic effect of lactic acids present in yogurt.Consumption of low-fat yogurt can promote weight loss.

  1. Milk - 4 cups
  2. Starter Culture - 4 tbsp

Bring milk to a rolling boil and then set aside to cool(110 degrees F).Heating the milk to boiling not only kills any undesirable bacteria but it also changes the properties of the milk protein so that it gives the yogurt a firmer body and texture.

Add the culture into a clean glass, steel, ceramic or plastic container in which you plan to make the yogurt.
Pour in the warm milk and stir well.
Keep in a warm place undisturbed for 7 to 8 hours or overnight.
During cool weather Yogurt containers can be kept warm in an oven with pilot light and electric bulb.
The yogurt will keep for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Notes :
If your yogurt is not thickening properly, it could be due to a number of reasons.
  1. The starter should have active/live bacteria to aid fermentation.
  2. You might be adding too little starter culture.
  3. The temperature of the milk might be too hot or cold (If the milk is too hot it would curdle and if it is too cold the curd will not set).


  1. Good post. I never try so hard anymore but have to agree that the taste of curd made at home is far out!

  2. I shud thank u for posting this. I am planning to make yogurt at home since a long time now...will try your version... :)
