Thursday, August 6, 2009

Diamond Cuts / kalkal

A Kerala snack that is prepared two ways .Either plain or by coating with a sugar syrup after frying it . We usually make it at home by coating with a sugar syrup . This process is called "Vilayikkuka" in Malayalam , which means coat or cook with a sweetening agent like sugar jaggery etc.

Ingredients :
  1. All purpose flour(maida) - 2 cup
  2. Salt - to taste
  3. Oil - to deep fry
  4. Baking powder/soda - 1 pinch

For the sugar syrup
  1. Sugar - 1 cup
  2. Water - few tsps.

Make a poori consistency dough by adding warm water , salt and a pinch of baking soda to the all purpose flour.
Roll of the dough to a large sheet and cut into diamond shapes.
Heat oil and deep fry them in oil.

To make the sugar

Make a solution of the sugar by adding few tbsp of water and bringing to a simmer until the sugar solutions is a one thread consistency .
If you take the solution in a spoon and try to pour it out it should flow in a steady stream.Or if you touch the syrup between two fingers and bring them apart it should form a thin thread .

Add the fried diamond cuts into the sugar syrup and mix well until coated.Store in a cool dry place when it is cooled

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